library(flagr); #Use the package "flagr" #=========================Generate a data set J = 20; N = 1000; K = 1; A <- matrix(0.4, J, K); S <- matrix(0, J, J); for(i in 1:(J-1)){ S[i,i+1] <- 0.5; S[i+1,i] <- 0.5; } diag(S) <- -4; Q <- A!=0 supp <- S!=0 #supp specifies the graph Sigma <- matrix(1, K, K); response <- FLaG.sample(A, S, Sigma, N); #Sample N respondents from the model specified above. #===========================Fit the model when the graph is given #Choose some initial value for A and S. A0 <- matrix(0.2, J, K); S0 <- diag(-4, J); Sigma0 <- 1; res.supp <- confFLaG.supp(A0, S0, Sigma0, Q, supp, response, tol = 1e-05); res.supp$A; res.supp$S; res.supp$Sigma; res.supp$pseudoLoglik; hist(res.supp$scoreEst); #============================Regularized estimator gamma = 0.2/sqrt(N); #Gamma is the tuning parameter res.reg <- confFLaG(A0, S0, Sigma0, Q, gamma, response, tol = 1e-05) res.reg$S res.reg$A res.reg$Sigma; #=============================Use a sequence of tuning parameters #=============================and then choose the model by BIC. A0 <- matrix(0.2, J, K); S0 <- diag(-4, J); Sigma0 <- 1; gamma.vec <- seq(0.05, 1, by = 0.05)/sqrt(N); result.list <- list(); BIC <- rep(0, length(gamma.vec)); for(i in 1:length(gamma.vec)){ print(i); print("======================================================") gamma <- gamma.vec[i] temp <- confFLaG(A0, S0, Sigma0, Q, gamma, response, tol = 1e-5, print_proc =F) <- abs(temp$S) > 1e-4; temp2 <- confFLaG.supp(temp$A, temp$S, temp$Sigma, Q,, response, tol = 1e-5, print_proc =F) result.list <- c(result.list, list(temp2)); num.par <- sum(Q) + J + (K-1)*K/2 + sum([lower.tri(, diag = F)]) BIC[i] <- -2 * temp2$pseudoLoglik + log(N) * num.par; } ind <- which.min(BIC); sel.model <- result.list[[ind]]; sel.model$A; sel.model$S; sel.model$pseudoLoglik;