ProcData is an R package for process data analysis. This page provides instructions on the installation of ProcData. If you need help during the installation process, please post your issue on our GitHub page. We will respond as soon as possible.

ProcData can be installed through the following three steps.

Step 1 Preparation

ProcData depends on R packages Rcpp for incorporating C++ code in R code and keras for training neural networks. If you would like to install ProcData from source, then compiler tools are needed. ProcData calls Python library Keras for building and training neural networks in Python. Some functions in ProcData require Python to work. Note that the following two steps do not have to be performed before installing ProcData. You will be prompted if R detects a missing component.

Step 2 Install ProcData and dependent R packages.

ProcData is available on CRAN. The package and its dependent packages can be installed by executing the following command in R.

install.packages("ProcData", dependencies=T)

The development version of ProcData can be installed from Github in R by the following command.

devtools::install_github("xytangtang/ProcData", dependencies=T)

Step 3 Install dependent Python libraries.

To finish installing R package keras, run the following commands in R.



mnist <- dataset_mnist()

More detailed information on installing keras can be found on keras website.